Johnson Systems Inc. LogoJOHNSON SYSTEMS INC. (JSI) is a progressive manufacturer of lighting control products and systems designed for entertainment and architectural lighting including theatres, television studios, motion pictures, convention centers, hotels, museums, churches, educational facilities, theme parks, and other facilities. From new dimming, control and power distribution, to the widest range of retrofit control equipment designed for existing installations, our growing range of “engineered solutions” and depth of experience deliver unique products with unsurpassed value.

JSI specializes in complete digital conversions of existing dimmers to the performance of current technology. At a fraction of the cost and downtime, retrofit puts state-of-the-art dimming system technology at your fingertips. Retrofit solutions are available for most dimming systems including Strand, Electro Controls, Electronics Diversified, Kliegl, Dilor, Colortran, and more. Visit us at: for more information.
