One of the primary differences between theater lighting and corporate lighting is that many of the latter include I-Mag, ie, Image Magnification. Cameras are used to show the presenters on large screens usually on either side of the stage to allow those in the back to see them better. Thus, we’re crossing over into television lighting. There’s just not a lot of color used in talking head TV. Most often the color temperature of the lights is pushed towards the daylight tones of the Kelvin scale. Personally, I like a little warmer look and I work closely with the video team to find a balance. I push a bit cooler than I’m used to from theater and they adjust a bit to the warmer end when they white balance their cameras.
These are the colors I keep in my color kit for onsite needs. Though designs are created during meetings with the clients and/or our production team, we all know things can change on a whim. Having this selection of colors on hand allow me to adapt to the changes in the room.
Gel Kit with 12 cuts of each color for standard SourceFour Barrels. 6-1/4”