Founding Member Launch
The founding member price for our project is $199.50 for the year.
This gives you two-months savings compared to taking the monthly deal. Pay for 10 months and receive two months for free.
PayPal automatically issues payments yearly.
The founding member price for our project is $19.95 per month.
Pay monthly and cancel anytime. Rejoin again when the doors reopen at the prevailing rate. PayPal automatically issues payments monthly. You can cancel anytime via your PayPal account.
As a founding member, you will never pay more per month for as long as your membership is maintained continually. The rates will increase when we open up to others.
This venture is running on blind faith that this idea will fly over the long haul. It’s something that does require a bit of faith based on the history of my offerings. Hence, sharing my vision with those that I’ve had past history, in one way or another.
The only thing I can really say is that I have a long history of helping MS & HS students learn about design & tech so that they can be fully involved in their school productions. I founded the High School Tech Production website around 25 years ago to show off the work my students were doing and have since helped many others empower their students to do the same type of work. 16 years ago was the start of the Stage Lighting Super Saturday annual workshop in NYC which kicked off Stage Seminars and my desire to offer training to teachers and others. Covid sparked the push to offer online training which has expanded the reach to many afar.
At the end of the day, this project might work, and, it might not.
As mentioned in the original email/webpage, I have various visions on where it can go and I put it out there that anyone interested in nurturing it from infancy could join early and give me a hand. The two main benefits are having an early say and enjoying a permanent discount.